See! the pan is too small with so many tomatoes. And it's really red! Coz here we don't harvest it untill it gets red on the trees. Usually tomatoes in super market in japan are harvested when they are still green or pink then they get red while they are waiting to be sold on shelfs. So this tomatos are soooo sweet and taste rich. Viva Organic Tomatos!!

At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
I like your blog and check it often. I want to know how do you make tomato sauce with fresh tomato like the ones you pictured in glass jars. Please post some recipes and the food certainly looks delicious. I wish to live like yours... away from city and in a beautiful environment. Enjoy your place!
At 12:13 AM,
ryoko said…
Thanks for your comment! It's very easy, slice garlic and onions, and fry garlic in olive oil (you have to start it from very low temprature, and the fire should be very small), once the garlic get the light brown color, you put sliced onions and star it untill the onion gets transparent and may be a bit brown. and put cut or crashed (with jucer) tometoes into the pan and cook it taking time, (if you have fresh basil, you can put it too.) the amount will be almost half, then it's done. when you eat, you can add whatever you like, for exsample, fried egg plant, bacon, zukkini or can be a source for grilled chicken with butter. :-)
At 11:37 PM,
ryoko said…
Thanks daisy! I will try it next summer when we have tometo rush again. :-) Visit my blog sometimes. Thanks!
At 3:52 PM,
ryoko said…
I tryied to put little amountg of suger into the tomato source when I cooked pasta source with it. it was really yammy with doing that. Thanks Daisy. :-)
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