Previous Posts
- Don't steal my chinesae cabbage!!
- Last night, I found two caterpillars inside a chin...
- If you were a Japanese.....
- He is the one who made the tasty potatoes!
- Doesn't this look yammy?
- It's done!
- We cooked it at once to tell him how it tastes. ...
- Autumn visited us.
- Ninja Victor Dog.
- There were also pottery exhbition going on. Altho...
At 3:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
do you have trick or treat too? here in our subdivision we have but i refused to participate coz i said i'm not american :D
At 5:57 PM,
ryoko said…
Well. we don't have. It's not common in japan at all. hehe
But here this is a christian based mommunity and the high school is also established on christianity. So it has sense that they do that. But this was my first time to have "trick or treat" ghosts. They were just having fun to do it. :-)
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