Do you know what is this plant?

This is very familier plant for Filipinos.
This is KanKong (空芯菜in Japanese)!
The vegetable very familier in the Philippines.
A farmer brought us plenty of Kankong, and I also got some one them.
When I was cutting it to cook, I noticed one of them had bud.
Expecting it to bloom, I put it into blue grass with water.
I am looking forward to see its flower.
It must be very beautiful.

At 7:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
wow! the lowly but well-loved filipino kangkong has made it to japan! and look at how ryoko has arranged it so elegantly in the blue glass. hehe. in the philippines, this plant is seldom planted. it just grows in swamps and canals, like grass. for many poor people in the rural areas, this is a popular food. in the cities, it is turned into "crispy kangkong" or something more sophisticated-sounding.
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