a japanese life

the life and times of a young japanese woman

Friday, November 25, 2005

You can kiss my ass :-*

Do you know what is this?
This is donky shaped cigarette case.
I found this in my friends' house.
On the back you can put cigarette and when you push down the ears, your cigarette will be coming out from it's ass. Very cute diba??? Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 21, 2005

This is veges and fruits peeling macine. very helpful to peel a lots of potatoes or fruits. Posted by Picasa

This is Namie who stayed 3 nights more than others after the reunion. Since I had my work to do, she was helping our work during my working hours. Thanks Namie. Posted by Picasa

Pasta Lunch with my dear friends

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

This three went home today. :-(

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But there is Namie here untill this Saturday! I am so happy with shareing time with her. I hope I can take some days off, but I can't. But we can't help chatting untill late. I am sure that I will have very unproductive working hours. :-(

We sang together a lot in the community. I like his voice with acorstic guitar.

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Inside Kotatsu table heater. Complecated with so many legs on legs on legs!!! we slept together in this small Kotatsu.

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He has big hands. everything looks mini size when he holds

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Disturb peaceful sleep. :D

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Our reunion! Super happy me :-)

We had a reunion in my house! we are the friends shared precious time and space together when we were younger. It was 8 years ago but once we saw eachother, no time lag was there. We drunk and chatted untill late. it was such a lovely moment. Thanks my dears. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Golden Ginkgo with Autumn Blue Sky

Japanese autumn is very colorfull, and always it fits to the light blue sky. In autumn season, the sky looks far away. The building is a natural food shop just next to my office. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 07, 2005

Watch out! There is nothing beyond the door! :-)

The other purpose we visited this town was a cafe, but it was closed coz the owner was arrested for using illigal drags.(According to a guy walking around) But we could find many interesting shops there. Also I found this strange building with very dangerous door. Posted by Picasa

I went to Nara

I went to Nara prefecture to visit some nice shops, one of the objective is to buy bread in this bakery. Looks yammy di ba? Posted by Picasa