a japanese life

the life and times of a young japanese woman

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Well done! Posted by Picasa

Buri (yellowtail) no Teriyaki

1, heat the pan and put oil.
2, fry the fish untill the surface gets yammy brown.
3, put sake, milin, soysauce and suger,
4, cook it untill the sauce get to be a bit sticky,
I usually don't measure the seasonings, but a recipe that I found on a cooking site, it was saying
Soysauce 3 : Sake 1 : Milin1 : Sugar 1
if you like sweeter taste, you can add some more sugar,
Also this sauce can be used for Chiken Teriyaki, Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My IC recorder was found in the Philippines!

Oh, my goodness, I thought I lost it in Cambodia.
These days I have been looking for it but I couldn't find.
Seems like I left it in the meeting room in Cambodia and it was found by my friends and now it's with them in the Philippines.
I am reallly careless these days.
I have to be careful not to loose any important things around me....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

My Korean Friends

They are all so funny. Especially the one on the left.
Thanks to them, my 4 hours transit in Hochi Minh airport was really fun.
See you soon in the next gathering of AFA. Posted by Picasa

Can you beleive??? These flowers all made of Veges!!!

I found this beautiful roses in the lobby of the hotel where we had the meeting in Cambodia.
to be surprised, these flowers were all made of Vegetables!!!
This roses are made of radish. Posted by Picasa

All made of Veges!!!!!

The Center is made of watre mellon.
Big flowers are from squash.
The leaves are made of sweet potatoes! Posted by Picasa

The lady made them

 Posted by Picasa

JV!!! I won 10 bottoles of San Migel Beers! :-)

I just came back from Cambodia. Although the stay was for Meeting and the schedule was quite heck tick, it was nice to see my old friends there.Since I was about to loose many things in there (Like my wallet, passport, all of my cards and hat... but luckily all of them were found out. finally what I really lost was only my name card. but it was really beautiful one. sayang! ) I and my friend JV bet 10 bottles of san migel beers for whether I could bring back this cambodian handy craft with handcarry. And I brought it back with me untill my home! Sorry for JV to report that I safely brought back this to my house.hehehe, JV Look forward to me visiting you in the Philippines. Posted by Picasa


I actually was about to loose this in Vietnam Hochi Ming Air Port.After I gave my things into a X-ray examinator and all the things came out from the other side, I forgot to get this handy craft.I passed through the gate where my boarding pass was cut and I remembered about it when I was walking the approach to enter the airplane and run back and got it back. Fuuuuuu. I think I am really careless these days. I might not be a Japanese anymore as JV announced in the meeting. hehehe :-) Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

Spring Pasta!

Spring Pasta with rape blossoms.
We eat almost bloomed rape flowers and now the season for it.
The taste is a bit bitter and bitter taste is the taste of spring.
Also many of edible spring wild grasses and spring veges taste bitter.
These veges and grasses with bitter taste can clean up our body accumulating fat during the winter time and make it get ready for summer time. Posted by Picasa


Hello Thia! How are you? I bought some origami papers for you. If you don't know how to fold them, visit this web site. http://www.origami-club.com/en/
This is really good website to learn how to make Origami. They show the folding process with animation.
Btw, the frog right side can jump very good. :-) Posted by Picasa