a japanese life

the life and times of a young japanese woman

Friday, September 29, 2006

Do you know what is this plant?

This is very familier plant for Filipinos.

This is KanKong (空芯菜in Japanese)!
The vegetable very familier in the Philippines.
A farmer brought us plenty of Kankong, and I also got some one them.
When I was cutting it to cook, I noticed one of them had bud.
Expecting it to bloom, I put it into blue grass with water.
I am looking forward to see its flower.
It must be very beautiful. Posted by Picasa

Pickle my favorite edible wild plant (Myoga) with Miso

I love the pink one.
We call it Myoga, Japanese edible wild plants.
Its here and there during late summer time in this rural area but if you buy it in super market, its very expensive.
Taste very strong.
And old people say, if you eat it too much, you will be forgetful. :-)
May be that's right, I am quite forgetful these days. Posted by Picasa

My home made miso is ready to eat!

My first hand made Miso is now ready to eat!
This is what I prepared last february.
You can see how to prepare with my post in February.
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Monday, September 25, 2006

Before taking a bath

These days I am using fire wood for heating water in bath tab.
At first, I was using fuels to start woods to get fire.
But I prefer not to use fosils.
I correct dried branches from forest around my house and start to fire with it.
Then carefully put bigger fire woods one by one.
It takes time, but fun to do.
Usually I am really into it and forggeting time when I noticed.
Also I like the sound of wood firing and sparking, smells of smoke, color and movement of beautiful fire.
And I feel the water softer and keep my body warm longer after taking the bath. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 24, 2006

My Greens

These greens are from my friend.
Since I got it on my birth day, they are healty and growing well.
The one on the right is coffee plant.
I am worrying if the coffee can survive winter here.
I am dreaming to have coffee fruits on the tree. :-) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 23, 2006

This is the One! Yammyyy

This is the farafel.
In a pita bread, they put fresh veges (lightly marinated) and not meat but beans balls.
And the sause is soooo yammy.
They seem like have shop near Demachiyanagi station in Kyoto.
If you have chance to visit Kyoto, drop by their shop and enjoy this farafel.
http://www.leafkyoto.net/newopen/0501/shop07.html Posted by Picasa


I went to a peace and vegetable festival held in Kyoto.
There what I found greatest was this farafel!
It was sooooooo tasty! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 21, 2006

dinner of the day

This day, I cooked these to him and we ate together.
Sweet chili with tiny fish,
Bitter melon with pork and egg
and sausageb made by participants of our farming course.
These were all yammy :-) Posted by Picasa

My teacher

Let me start with my teachers' picture.
He is very special person in my life.
If I didn't meet him in my university I didn't go to the Philippines and wouldn't be here now.
He is the one lead me to here.
He recently bought a big Japanese house near my office and often stays there.
I visit him often and have dinner together, also I bring my friends to him.
He is a sociologist and very free from any "stereoype" or "basic assumption".
I am happy I can meet him so often.
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After looooong time not updating

Once its stopped, it is difficult to start again.
I haven't been updating my blog for looong time.
So, long time no see!
And hello again!