11. This is it! it will be ready to eat after 6 month. The way using Sake Kasu is my friends' idea to avoid mold. Usually Miso gets mold on its surface. But according to my friend, if we do this way, it won't get mold. I am looking forward to eating my hand made Miso. Must be the tastiest Miso in my life. :-)
7. Throw the balls into the container from a hight. You try to hit the corner of the container. That's for letting out the air from the Miso balls. If there are spaces for the air in the Miso paste, it will cause mold.
5. Waiting for the soybeans' temperature untill get to be around 40 degree (It's the sign of OK, if you feel not very hot when you put your hand into the mashed beans.) and add mixture of malt and salt, and mix them well with hands.
2. Soak 1.3kg of soybeans for 1 night. 3. Cook the beans with pressure cooker for 15 mins with pressure, turn off the gas and leave it untill it gets quiet. 4. Mash the beans well. It should be still very hot when you mash it.
We made Japanese Miso. In my glanma's generation, it was so common to make Miso in each family. But these days, most of families don't make Miso in their house. This is first experience for me actually.
this is rice cooked with some ancient black rice. there are many kind of ancient rice. this is one of them and we call this black rice. Very good for health. We add just a little black rice into normal japanese white rice, then the color gets to be red.